Student Testimonials

Sydney Trapeze School Pty Ltd

How much do you love STS?

Let us know what STS means to you and/or your kids, and what  attending classes at the school has brought you over your years.

We are looking for feedback to help inform other organisations of the differences and the uniqueness STS brings to the circus community in our endeavours to find a new space. 

Sharing your in the form experienses below will really help us convey what STS means to the community.

We would love to hear what STS has helped you accomplish both inside and outside the space. 

  • Have we helped you achieved any personal goals? 
  • Did you enjoy a particular event we hosted?
  • Does the space give you a creative outlet?
  • Has it helped you feel part of a community?

If you have any insights you would like to share with regards us to securing a new space, feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Testimonial Submission Form

    *All fields are required to make a submission

    Contact us

    (02) 9557 9668

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